## Wow. ## Jim Mock As you most likely could've guessed by reading the topic of this editorial, I'm at a loss for words. I'm truely stunned by the popularity of this site and amount of feedback generated from it. We had approximately 10,968 hits site-wide in the first FOUR days that Issue #2 (Feb. 1999) was online, with alot of the traffic coming from the links to us on the FreeBSD Project web site (http://www.freebsd.org/) and it's mirrors, Slashdot (http://www.slashdot.org/), and a ton of other sites too numerous to list that gave us mention. I'd like to thank all the people involved with those sites for helping to promote us. I'd also like to thank once again all of our authors, mirror sites, and readers as well. Without you guys, we wouldn't be where we are right now. As we continue to grow, we'll be adding more for our readers as the need arises (and as willing authors come forward ;). With this issue we've got a new look and some new monthly articles, which are the ISP Corner (/articles/isp.html) article and Security (/articles/security.html) article. In addition to that we've currently got two mailing lists (/lists.html) open for readers, and a very cool image of the daemon (Chuck, Beastie, whatever you want to call him) reading a copy of ezine thanks to Greg Munker (dog@submental.com) who also happens to be one of our authors. On a final note, we're still looking for some proofreaders. If you're interested in being a proofreader, please get in contact with us by emailing me or by filling out our feedback form (/feedback.html). Until next time, - Jim $Id: editor.txt,v 1.1 2000/02/16 08:07:43 jim Exp $